Seeing Heaven Open
Seeing Heaven Open
March 5, 2023
People like openings: opening night, opening gifts, opening doors
KEY POINT: Following Jesus enables us to see heaven open
TEXT: John 1:43-51
· We’re all searching for something
Losing something along the way and looking for the lost thing:
QUESTION: What are you searching for?
· Our frustrations and disappointments can leave us jaded
Searching without finding can be frustrating and disappointing
Becoming cynical and skeptical
The internal weight of disappointment is so great, it often is easier to stop searching than have to deal with being let down again
· Jesus invites us to experience something greater
Jesus knew something about Nathanael before Nathanael knew anything about Jesus
Invitation to believe: Faith allows us to see the heavens open
Seeing Heaven Open
1. Follow Him: Believe that He is THE one!
2. Align with Him: Believe that He knows best!
3. Interact with Him: Believe He wants to connect with us!
4. Trust Him: Believe He is working for our good
5. Hope in Him: Believe He is leading us to something greater, better
RESPONSE: Lord, I believe that you are the one my heart is searching for, the one sees me and knows me. Lord, I choose to follow you!
I have been struggling with this matter, thanks for offering some clarity.