Choosing Something Greater
Choosing Something Greater
January 8, 2023
Begin a series: A Process of Becoming
Mission of the Church: Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ
Importance of a good process–it helps develop a better product
KEY POINT: Intentional growth often requires letting go of something good for something better
TEXT: Mark 1:14-18
The coming of Jesus makes transformation possible (v. 14-15)
His work on the cross, his resurrection, and his sending of the Holy Spirit enable us to experience better lives
The invitation of Jesus leads to something greater (vv. 16-17)
Putting Jesus at the center of one’s life, to allow him to direct and lead
DOMAINS: spiritually, physically, mentally, relationally, vocationally, financially, etc.
The invitation was not from something bad but an invitation to something better
Our decisive response to Jesus is essential (v. 18)
Invitation demands decision
Learning to say yes to his process of becoming
The big YES: choosing to be a follower of Jesus
The daily YES: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23
The first step in the process: clarifying the focus
Determining a focus
Importance of narrowing the focus:
In this season of my life: what is the key area I need to grow in?
Describing its potential impact
Allowing hope to flourish
Deciding to follow Jesus for transformation
Saying YES to Jesus: willingness to follow Him
Write it down, commit it in prayer, and share it with another
RESPONSE: Lord Jesus, I choose to follow you. Help me become the person you are calling me to be. Help me grow in this area!